How Does Hair Transplant Surgery Work: Complete Procedure

Want to know how does hair transplant surgery work? Then further read this article to know the process of hair transplantation. Hair transplant is the fastest way to get hair on your scalp. Hair transplantation is a surgical technique that removes hair from your hair follicles called 'donor site’ and transplanting it to the bald area called 'recipient site'. This technique is specially used for males. In this procedure, surgeon extract hairs from your donor area i.e. back or the sides of the head and then he/she transplant it to recipient area i.e. front of the head or top of the back side. So we can say that there is no new hair regrown, basically old hair follicles transplants to the bald area. Cost of hair transplant in India basically depends on the used technique and number of grafts needed for hair transplant. Hair transplant not only used to transplant hairs on the bald scalp it can also be used for beard hair, eyelashes, pubic hair, and eyebrows. Hair trans...